Quercus rubra/Quercus alba

Technical Features
Glacial Oak is a dense and resilient hardwood, that machines smoothly and readily accepts paint, stain, oil, and polish with ease.
Visual Features
A highly attractive timber, the sapwood of Glacial Oak ranges from white to light brown, with a pink to red-brown heartwood. It is a typically straight-grained wood with a coarse texture, although both colour and texture can vary dependent on the growing region. Offering excellent quality, performance and colour selection, Glacial Oak works relatively easily, machines well and takes nails and screws (though pre-boring is recommended).
Glacial Oak is a dense and resilient hardwood, that machines smoothly and readily accepts paint, stain, oil, and polish with ease.
This hardwood is widely chosen for its versatility in joinery, furniture, flooring, windows and doors, lining boards, custom mouldings, benchtops and panels.