Welcome to designing with timber, by Porta. These short videos each cover a different topic on key concerns when choosing timber for external applications. Play Topic: Timber Leaching In this video, we look at how to avoid unsightly stains from timber leaching. Play Topic: Cladding Design In this video, we look at designing external cladding for long term performance. Play Topic: Pre-Coating Timber In this video, we share the importance of pre-coating your external timber products before delivery to site. Play Topic: Timber Coatings In this video, we look at how to protect your timber with coatings. Play Topic: Deck Fastening With Plugs In this video, we look at concealed decking and how to create a smooth, sleek decking surface with timber plugs. Play Topic: Deck Fastening With Clips In this video, we look at how to create a premium and durable finish for decking by using hidden clips.